for me, 5 is mostly above 2 because 2 has a lot more filler that I find myself forgetting. It's got some really really good highs- Skarmory, Heracross, Girafarig, Wobbuffet, Gligar, Dunsparce, Xatu, etc
but even those highs aren't extremely impactful (like gen 3's, 1's, or 5's are), and they get drowned out by the myriad of forgettable stuff like the Hoppip line, Qwilfish, Delibired, Remoraid/Octillery, Mantine, Yanma, Sunflora, etc
it's a lot more mellow on the bad and good, whereas gen 5 has higher highs and lower lows (though I think its highs are also higher than its lows)