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ITT: Changes to existing Pokemon you'd like to see

No.52838864 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Another one of these threads. Pick a Pokémon you like and make some changes you think it could use. I'll start

HP 105 (+16)
ATT 134 (+10)
DEF 85 (+5)
SPA 60 (+5)
SPD 85 (+5)
SPE 55 (+0)
BST 524 (+41)

>Iron Fist
>Weak Armor (replaces Klutz upon evolution),
>No Guard (HA)

Changes to Moves:
>Shadow Punch buffed to 75bp

New Moves:
>Physical: Meteor Mash, Headlong Rush, Wring Out, Retaliate, Stomp (it NEVER learns this and I just want it too)
>Special: Zap Cannon, Twin Beam, Psybeam, Mystical Fire, Meteor Beam,
>Utility: Wide Guard, Quash, Power Split, Guard Split, Autotomize, Rapid Spin, Lock-On, Focus Energy

Golurk suffers from 3 major problems: power creep, poor staying power, and a glut of really cool moves that can't be used effectively. By changing up the stats it breaks 500 BST and gets more bulk plus more attack to keep up with power creep. It also learns a lot of really good special moves, so I gave it a few more points in SPA and then gave it some more move options that would give you options. You could run No Guard with Zap Cannon and a bunch of physical attacks to really hit hard, or give it stuff like Meteor Beam to slowly boost SPA while hitting hard (it also gets Charge Beam). Although you definitely still want to be using a physical set if you want to get the most bang for your buck, and giving it access to both Meteor Mash and Headlong Rush will buff your damage output because both moves surprisingly get boosted by Iron Fist. Buffing Shadow Punch also gives you a more reliable STAB option since it never misses and can deal damage on consecutive turns (unlike Phantom Force) or if the target doesn't have an item (unlike Poltergeist). And the utility moves are just really nice to have. I especially like the idea of using the Split moves or Quash to support allies. I'm also surprised it didn't get Wide Guard, seems like an oversight lore wise. Spin and Lock-On are also there bc wtf not, they're fun