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/cpg/ - Competitive Pokémon General - TERA STAYS edition

No.52898479 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This thread is for discussing all things related to Competitive Pokémon, be it Smogon OU or VGC.

Smogon has tested Terastallization. 60% of voters needed to vote 'action' in order for a restriction to occur - only 59.25% did. Smogon meltdown ensued.
>How do I git gud?
go to and type /join indonesia - our sekrit hangout club. There you can pm the regular users for teams or watch them ladder.

Chi-Yu and Annihilape likely getting quickbanned soon, Cyclizar is a maybe, supposedly Garganacl is also on the radar. How will we cope with this new tier

Old thread: >>52879867