>>52930395I like that the girafarig evo is more of a proper giraffe but it's also a bit boring. Not bad, just a little eh. Weird as it sounds, it might've been more interesting if the chain chomp head became the "real" one and it had a "hoodie" based on the "giraffe" head. They could've reversed the hooves and everything.
Kleavor sucks, a stain on a great line.
Wyrdeer could've used something extra, feels like it's missing something. I'd rather something a bit bland than garbage though.
Ursaluna is excellent, don't quite get the connection between mud and the moon but the hulking frame and great evolution of the moon theme make it a win in my book. I don't understand people who saw the mud "clouds" as eyebrows when it clearly has eyebrows underneath them.
>>52930566I don't like pawniard or bisharp but kingambit is cool. Over the top in a likeable way. Should really stand up when it's the last pokemon in your party.
Ape is fantastic. Incredible concept, name, and good enough execution.
The other two are alright. Dudun is more dunsparce, which is fine, and the train idea is very cute. Clod is a bit blobby even compared to regular quagsire but it's still basically quagsire and quagsire is great.