>>52939800>Everyone and their uncle and their cat have more than six gorillion of these boxesProof? Empirical data? Or just conjecture? Inb4 chimping out at only the word proof and not providing any actual hard evidence talking points
But we'll take your point at face value, there are a gorillion boxes out there; product is still constantly being ripped. By normies, by collectors and resellers, by streamers, etc. Dwindling supply of sealed constantly
>once the FOMO dies out and once people realise those boxes are very common and easy to find, prices will decreaseSure they may be "easy" to find, but not at the prices the masses are willing to pay. I actually just watched the recent AI video and he summed it up perfectly. I'll paraphrase here but the gist of it was that once a certain threshold is reached, for clarity we'll assume that threshold is $300, there are only a select amount of groups that are able to / willing to afford it;
people that bought in or around $300. And when product dries up and tpci stops printing, the people that bought at $300 aren't going to want to sell for anything less than $300 and $300 will be the new floor. And prices will continue to rise from there. It happened to WOTC and I (and a lot of others) predict that it'll happen here too. Obviously not to the point of Base, but I mean if a chilling reign booster box you bought at $80 goes to $1k and you have 10 cases, well I would consider that a W, wouldn't you?