>>53020723>too many secrets and full artsThat only matters based on the pull rates, in 36packs in the SwSh era, you'd be lucky to get 1 alt art out of 3 to 4 boxes. And as for full arts they were split across 3 differnt catagories; Pokemon, Trainer, and Rainbow rares. Basically moving into SV will be a success depending on if they up the rare count to packs opened. Assuming anything that was a V or above was considered a hit, you average on 8 hits per box and you weren't always guarenteed a secret, alt, or even hyper rare per box; which is the shits.
If they say upped the boxes to be 12 (at minimum) and at least 1 of those was a full art, alt art and secret rare, then I'd say the sets would be fine. That's a foolish dream tho, but; I do hope the SV series takes a hit in sales with them upping the price and they learn people will only buy from the third market since buying packs is a losing battle more than 75% of the time.
Personally, I don't think I'll be buying packs anymore, or at the very least less than 10 per set and get the rest from online singles. Which is sad, because I like ripping packs, oh well.