>>53038396Swooshi was also an unfinished mess, but at least the game didn't absolutely shit its pants to the degree of SV . I mean, it DOES have those issues SV has, but not nearly to the degree of SV. THAT'S how low the bar has been placed.
We get it, X/Y BAD—Kalos power plant, easy difficulty, can't remember rivals, lackluster post-game.
The only (mostly) good thing that came from these post-XY titles were better characters, but everything has been an objective downgrade. Ya know, dexit/dex cuts, the transfer hellscape of HOME, perma-exp share, no in-game GTS, attack animations the oscillate in quality, attack animations you cannot turn off, the inability to toggle set/switch, phasing out of post-game battle facilities
On top of still not implementing good changes like having the ability to edit EVs via menu or have players be able to build custom battle rulesets instead of relying on cutting Pokémon for "game balance."