>>53178999>Beating NPCs.You can beat the NPCs even if you use 10 mons
>Yes, I'm only saying training 6 pokemon evenly is objectively worse because it's objectively worse. I'm glad you figured it out.I prefer to engage with the game's mechanics myself, and so do many other, so it's hardly objective
>Why?Because it's a children's game explicitly designed to be open ended in how you beat it. Only ever beating it as efficiently as possible means willingly ignoring the potential for a vastly more nuanced experience if you only engage with the game, catch more mons, and train them. You are, after all, a pokemon trainer, tasked with catching pokemon.
>What else should I catch them for? Because clicking Absorb 6 times with Oddish when I could do the same thing with Quilava in 1 turn instead sure as fuck isn't fun.There's more to pokemon's mechanics than this, stop being disingenuous. Longer battle are more fun because there's more opportunity for interesting shit to happen. If you literally cannot possibly conceive of pokemon being anything aside from a conveyor belt of pokemon to OHKO I simply don't know what to tell you have. Have fun sweeping the game with your starter doofus. Genuinely, I hope you really do and aren't doing this out of some sort of spite. I myself definitely have more fun using a team of 6-12 pokemon I catch throughout the game, explicitly not grinding so that the lower levels make the game a bit harder and I can take advantage of niche strategies using the TMs and status moves available to me, but you do you.