>>53194923>First off, it was frequently used in UUNo fucking shit the Pokemon will be usable if you play a fanfic format where you remove everything stronger than it, you dumbfuck. You could use this exact same argument to claim normal Beedrill is viable.
>genuinely thinking that dynamax levels the playing fieldThat's not even remotely what my post said, you dumbfuck ESL. I said it makes every Pokemon equally strongER, not makes every Pokemon equally strong.
>>53194934>And yet it's the only thing that ever hasTorkoal never got buffed?
Pelipper never got buffed?
Gothitelle never got buffed?
Ditto never got buffed?
Murkrow never got buffed?
Togetic never got buffed?
Piloswine never got buffed?
Serperior never got buffed?
Clefable never got buffed?
Thanks for confirming you don't play the game.