>>53195743The SV team was seething that the Legends Team picked Cyndaquil to be the Fire starter instead of Baby CHARIZARD, so they went out of their way to nerf it, No new special coverage moves, Infernal Parade wasn't buffed while Triple Arrows and Ceaseless Edge are cracked beyond belief, the other H Starters getting broken abilities while H Typhlosion's was changed to Frisk as soon as the rules changed to open meta. they were even petty enough to create 2 new Fire//Ghost types out of nowhere just to compete with it.
Though ironically, the Legends Team gave H.Typhlosion just enough that it will probably still be good: Fire/Ghost STAB, Calm Mind, 119 SpA is high for a starter, especially when combined with the stuff it inherited from Typhlosion Prime like Eruption and Focus
Miss tdlr: The people at Game Freak who hate Typhlosion is still there, but they seem to be losing their power.