>>53213935>There a dozens of Pokemon based on extinctlet's see them all then
>all fossils fossils that are resurrected and brought back to life don't need the ghost type
>mamoswine in the real world it is extinct but the mammoth in the pokemon world has never been extinct so it is not ghost type
>meganium imagine he's not ghost-type even though he's an instinct animal
>sceptile imagine if they made al grass starters grass/ghost what a shit idea
>chesnaught same as meganium
>decidueye dead stilt owl i guess I can't find any other way to explain the ghost type
>dragapult line extinct animal with ghost type
>past paradox pokemon never existed the imagination theory is correct
in all they could not do chesnaught and meganium of ghost type to not make an annoying repetition of the types even if at the same time the type fight for the starter has always been there