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/vp/ plays Pokemon Desolation

!!B/VAIOT2xDG No.53237183 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>I go through the Celeste Labyrinth with Ava and Scarlett, get news of Writefag finally deciding to fix his PC, and head into the sky to catch a plane
>And Team Crescent is there with their faggot leader Baron attempting to kill someone, before Nova tells him to stop trying to kill everyone for 5 minutes
>One infodump later, Shiv tries to ruin everything AGAIN and tells Ava that I gave the stone to Nova because she's not as insane as Shiv
>And then Nova opens a portal to another dimension and just goes through it
>That's the cutscene I guess
>Time to get a sandshrew since it's currently World Pangolin Day and I need another team member

Whiteout counter: 12
Badges: 1
Natural shinies: 2

Confirmed deaths: 1
A Pokemon is ordered to attack a trainer directly: 1
Someone is revived via magic/shitty writing: 1
Absols: 1
Crashes: 1

Current party members: Honedge, Magneton, Prinplup, Lairon, Furret, Pineco

Previous Threads:
/vp/ plays MEGA folder (contains writefaggotry, art, screenshot spam, and extras):

What the fuck is this garbage?
>This is Pokemon Desolation, a fangame inspired by Reborn/Rejuvenation and probably the least finished part of the Autism Trilogy
>Also a steel monotype run because drawfag asked for it, because it's my favorite type, and because it should keep things at a reasonable pace without needing to rely on GETs for catches
>Decisions are made via GETs when people actually give a shit about them.