>Kanto: Kleavor (1)>Johto: Qwilfish, Overqwil, Ursaluna, Sneasel, Sneasler, Typhlosion (6)>Unova: Samurott, Lilligant (2)>Kalos: Avalugg, Sliggoo, Goodra (3)>Alola: Decidueye (1)Paldea:
>Kanto: Annihilape, Wiglett, Wugtrio, Toedscool, Toedscruel, Tauros, Scream Tail, Sandy Shocks (7)>Johto: Wooper, Clodsire, Dudunsparce, Great Tusk, Flutter Mane, Iron Treads, Iron Bundle, Iron Thorns, Farigiraf (9)>Hoenn: Roaring Moon, Iron Hands, Iron Valiant* (3)>Sinnoh: Iron Valiant* (1)>Unova: Slither Wing, Iron Moth, Brute Bonnet, Iron Jugulis, Kingambit (5)*Technically both due to being a mix of Gallade and Gardevoir
So in total, the releases of these games bring the totals up to:
>Kanto - 8>Johto - 15>Hoenn - 3>Sinnoh - 1>Unova - 7>Kalos - 3>Alola - 1This puts Johto among the top three, and Kanto and Unova just are nearly the same in terms of representation in this new addition to the total
>Inb4 paradox mons/convergent species don't countThey're still technically variants of the species in question, and some localizations have the Paradox mons say the names of their origin species (yeah, some game localizations do that for Pokemon for some reason)