>>53296721awkward kid and even more awkward adult. prefers to draw in private and likes reading on the side. very kind when he opens up
>>53297335probably not actually a man, and definitely very young. unovan
>>53297383rowdy kid who roleplayed ash on the playground. still not grown-up enough to stop doing it in his free time. cherishes his charizard and other honorary kantomons, but gives the others attention too
>>53297505triangulates bushes for work, probably makes a decent amount of cash. relatively serious, will never assume a joke is a joke immediately
>>53297552not only a fan of gen 6 (somehow), but also very blatant about your husbando. either a soft gay guy or a girl. automatically a bad person due to liking dedenne
>>53297949a fan of the industrial revolution, sworn enemy of Ted Kaczynski
also slightly tryhard>>53298026"I LIKE COOL MONS AND I'M PROUD"
>>53298093the kind to reply (in jest) with an overdramatic gif of an uno card in an argument. kind of memey, but chill. probably watches shitloads of anime, and/or has a katana replica in his basement
>>53298094-10 years old
>>53298221genuinely likes fairies for what they are and doesn't get the vicious hate. seems sort of tired and defeated on the outside, but cooms a lot in private. disappointed that Grimmsnarl is a midget, would've preferred something tall enough to carry him
>>53298273tinkers with electronics, fan of thunderstorms. especially enjoys aviation, but isn't a planefag specifically. not impartial to birds.
>>53298277fake, gay, and non-kosher
>>53298359sincerely enjoys the newer gens, but will also go on long autistic rants about how good they are. enjoyer of goth, edgy.
>>53299205has a sense of humor but will beat you for making the wrong joke if needed
less coomer than the other bully avatar, but just as insecure if prodded about his hobbies
>>53299327not only gay, but likely dangerous. 200% coomer, has no friends