>>53295131>>53295213You see, the problem here is that those types of memes usually go under a process of "decant".
4chan creates a meme, goes to reddit, goes to funnyjunk, goes to ifunny, goes to 9gag, dies at Facebook. This way, memes live out their days properly. You may have saved some memes that are dead today.
But when a meme breaks this process, all there is are piles of shit everywhere. Don't believe me? Feel guys now is Wojack, Pepe the frog is a neet nazi twat, and now Vaporeon is "le shock animal fucker".
This is how memes don't die, but rot as a zombie. It's not funny anymore, nobody cares anymore, but retards are sold by the dime, and wanna be tuff online guys always show up to repeat this same song over and over and over and over.
This is our legacy, weep and behold.