>>53361797You're so fucking stupid its actually embarrassing.
Let me make one thing clear HORNFAGS ARE RETARDS. There is is an exact correlation between being a hornfag and eating glue, I don't even know how you cunts function in society.
Without the horn Seaking can still fight, it has a variety of moves that don't involve the horn. In fact, considering how many other water types survive just fine without a piece of bone sticking out of their head, they might even be stronger without that useless lunk weighing them down.
On the other hand, without the fins Seaking actually just dies. You can't bounce in the ocean you fucking mongoloid, they are fish, they need fins to SWIM.
Thats not even getting into aesthetics, like there isn't even an argument. On one hand you have a set of beautiful reflective fins you could stick in an art museum, on the other you have a piece of bone.
I could rip your fucking femur out (you'd deserve it) and put it on display and it'd be the same fucking thing. Get the FUCK of my Unovan pokeblock making image board you fucking faggot.