>>53381589I'm emulating Japanese Red right now to practice reading the language. I'm not at all great at Japanese but I understand more than I expected, probably because I remember a lot of the Gen 1 NPC lines just from playing it so much (at least the stuff in the early game anyway, by the time I get to like Saffron or Fuchsia things might get harder) and so it's easy to figure out dialogue based off that even if I wouldn't be able to get it all no-context.
I'm sort of trying to do the Pokedex for once in my life but without being too autistic about it, as much as that's possible for these games anyway. I used to always go to the extremes of either just using a team of 6 and ending up with a pathetically low amount of caught Pokemon, or trying to train literally everything, getting bored, and just quitting wihout even finishing the game, but I found a strategy that kinda works for me. I catch every new wild encounter I see/do the trades for stuff not obtainable otherwise while just focusing on raising the stuff I actually like. If I replay the other Gen 1 games I might trade the stuff I didn't use to those to make new teams and then slowly fill out the dex that way across multiple games.
It's been fun.