>>53409433Radical Red **on minimal grinding mode only** is the best single-player Pokémon gameplay experience you can have right now. But it's not for the crowd that wants to pick their favorite Pokebros for a comfy journey in a fanmade region, and never have to think *too* hard about team composition to win.
It's for the same kind of crowd that likes the aspect of Shin Megami Tensei in which you have to massively adjust or even throw out your entire party when a boss kicks your teeth in, and then do it again a couple bosses later until you've sanded off the edges enough to have the perfect team that can handle the Elite 4 (five bosses in a row without switching out your party). Of course, this is all possible because the game maintains a level cap and you can't use items in battle or Shift to cheese them.
I really enjoy this aspect of Radical Red and it seems very few people on Reddit or /vp/ do as well. Having a constantly evolving team and thinking about how I can patch up any weaknesses at every stage makes the game incredibly fun for me. Minimal Grinding mode means I don't have to worry about EV/IV autism and the game maintains a "go go go" pace. Everyone who complains about RR says it sucks because the bosses are unfair and they have to change their team constantly, but that's exactly what I enjoy about it.
The bosses also aren't "unfair" as they're never a higher level than you, work within the constraints of the game and most of all, it's a fucking AI; so if they have a couple extra moves for coverage it's dwarfed entirely by the fact that a computer trainer will be largely predictable on your second try, but still smart enough to put up a fight.
>just play showdownI do that too, but sometimes I want single player rpg progression, seeing what Pokemon I can catch in a new route, in a game that also pushes Pokémon mechanics and difficulty to its limits.
>tldrif you like SMT and always having to evolve your party composition, you'll like it