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No.53413371 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
In this timeline:
>The Natdex is present
>The old and new Exp.share are in
>Theres secret very hidden routes that connect with other routes or the Wild Area
>Hop doesn't exists and Marnie is the main rival.
>Team Yell is vengative because you defeated her once and call you cheater while harrass you.
>Piers is meanier and more protective.
>Spikemouth has a proper gym with abandoment theme.
>The energetical crisis is a present problem in the adventure
>The Darkest Day is brougt back and you have to fight several wild Dynamax pokemon that are destroying the region before fighting Eternatus
>Following pokemon run at your same speed
>You can fight Peonya
>Cynthia and Looker cameo