>>53451388Orginations don’t give a shit about trannies in the same sense that family and friends would.
They “like” you because you’re profittable. Everyone who “likes” trannies only does so because they benefit off the mentally ill castrating themselves.
Doctors/Pharma only say “you’re valid” because they get a fat paycheck from young adults who buy HRT and pay them to cut their cock off.
Twittertards only support trannies because it boosts their ego, giving them the dopemine they are addicted to, or so they aren’t harassed to death.
Corporations favor trannies because BlackRock literally bribes companies into going woke.
BlackRock themselves benefits greatly from trannies too, as autistic men castrating themselves means less families living together, and more people to sell homes (increasing housing prices) and to give jobs (lowering everyone’s salary). It’s why they also support the childless life and endless immigration.
Once trannies stop being profitable in every way, there will be no one who will save you from your own mistakes. You’ll only be remembered by your parents, who you rejected, and who will use your real name on your grave. People will remember you even less fondly than emo kids, since emo kids at least didn’t take children in private to “talk about chopping their penis/tits off” without telling their parents (and also emo chicks were pretty hot).