>>53498147>I didn't like how the hind leg was up so I made an animation putting it down and back up so then i guess I made it dance lolYou based it off of an image of the thing in motion but completely changed the pose anyway, why not just give it a different animation? Not like all Pokemon sprite/model's poses are based on their official art.
>I did try to add some head bobbing but I guess I didn't exhagerate it enough?Not at all enough honestly
>And when the bugs animation happened I didn't know what to do for the bodyIt's that what the blue sparkles were?
>Tbh I'm not a perfectionist and too lazy to redo it lolThen why do 4 different (albeit nearly identical) animations then ask for opinions online.
"How's this look guys? Oh... you don't like it? Well I didn't really have a plan or idea and I'm not going to change anything after receiving feedback"
Fuck off dude