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No.53508578 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This is a fucking thread, to those fat FUCK pokemon out there.
I'm tired of all these fat FUCK Pokemon being a crutch for these games. Thick fat calorie thieving salad dodging mons, shitting up everything.
>defensive walls easily break the vanilla games by just allowing you to setup and sweep for free
>defensive walls are a crutch in nuzlockes as you don't need a real strategy as long as you can wall the damage and chip away (even so far as nuzlockers banning particularly bulky pokemon from their runs, like Blissey)
>defensive mons are typically the strongest in romhacks as well and cause hack creators to go out of their way to overbuff offensive mons and nerf/remove setup moves
>defensive mons are so strong in the current competitive format that pressing OHKO moves is now a legitimate strategy, unironically
I don't give a fuck what any of you lard garglers have to say about it. Fat FUCKS should be nerfed or removed entirely from pokemon.
And if any of you don't like what I'm saying? Then FUCK YOU.