>>53521148Well I just think you don’t know what the ruck you are taking about an I am going to
(let’s stick to the originals for simplicity sake)
>Sprout tower Chikorita can’t hit anything super effective, but it has normal moves while all the bellsprout only have grass moves, so Chikorita technically has an advantage against everyone except the one HootHoot. Totodile is actually that one that gets fucked over worst here.
>FalknerChikorita has an actual disadvantage here, but Cyndaquil gets fucked but mud slap which even lowers accuracy too, so it only has it slightly easier than Chiko.
>Bugsy’sChikorita is the worst here no argument
>Morty Resists grass but they can’t hit Chikorita super effectively, while Chikorita can at least use mud slap for super effective hits against the ghosts weaker defense stat. Mud slap may not be the strongest move but Most of his ghosts moves aren’t strong either.
>Pryce Can hit meganium super effective, however meganium can hit back super effectively because his entire team is weak to grass.
>Jasmine Can’t hit Grass super effectively, meganium even resists the magnets thunderbolts Also Steelix is part ground so it doesn’t even resist grass. If anything Gatr has it worst since it’s weak to electric and Steelix knows sunny day.
>Clair’Dragon shits in all starter types, that’s the entire point. Meganium even resists most of the moves Clair’s team knows and. Typhlosion is the one that gets fucked over the most here.
>Team Rocket Is a cakewalk no matter what starter you picked, moving on
>Elite 4 Meganium is at a huge disadvantage , but that has nothing to do with Johto. And due to grass having 5 types it’s weak against and 7 types that resist it. Pick 5 random types for the Elite 4 will end up screwing over grass most of the time.
Tdlr, meganium’s issues are more to do with being defensive in a series that favors offensive playstyle than it does with being grass. Johto isn’t “poorly designed”