>>53529033Misty and Ash stand awkwardly at the altar, surrounded by their friends and Pokemon.
Officiant: "Ash Ketchum, do you take Misty to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
Ash: "I do! And I promise to love, honor, and never, ever, destroy any of her bikes again."
Misty rolls her eyes, but can't help but laugh.
Officiant: "And Misty, do you take Ash to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
Misty: "Sure, why not? I mean, I've been following this guy around for years, it's about time he put a ring on it."
The crowd chuckles as Ash blushes.
Officiant: "You may now exchange your vows."
Misty: "Ash, you're the Pikachu to my Jigglypuff, the James to my Meowth, the Brock to my Onix. I can't imagine my life without you, and even though you sometimes drive me crazy, I know I couldn't be happier with anyone else."
Ash: "Misty, you're the butterfree to my Metapod, the Nurse Joy to my Chansey, the Gary to my Oak. You're my partner in crime, my trusty sidekick, and my best friend. I promise to always be there for you, through thick and thin, and to never leave a Pokemon behind."
The crowd cheers as Misty and Ash exchange rings and share a kiss. As they walk down the aisle as newlyweds, Pikachu and Togepi toss confetti, and Psyduck tries to catch it with his beak. The memory of the bike fades away, replaced by the joy and laughter of their new life together.