>>53619423>Plants respond very strongly to touch and other external stimuli, and researchers at Lund University have now discovered new details about the genetic basis for such stress responses.>“Through millions of years of evolution, plants have gained a sophisticated molecular machinery to sense and respond to a plethora of environmental stimuli.” wrote the study authors. >Ultimately, the researchers identified three new proteins that play a key role in the plant response to touch.>“We exposed the plant thale cress to soft brushing, after which thousands of genes were activated and stress hormones were released. We then used genetic screening to find the genes that were responsible for this process,”>Mechanical stimuli instantly activate a plant’s molecular defense system, and this powerful response can contribute to plants becoming more resistant later.If you don't touch your Lurantis, they will not grow up healthy or strong.
You should be patting their head and caressing their body as often as possible.