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No.53552189 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Why isn't she a Baby Mon?
They made a bunch of Baby Mons in Gen 2 and didn't even include the first existing baby Pokemon since Gen 1, it's not like she's hive minded or attached to her Mom's Body like Exeggutors, they are separate entities, so why they didn't make Baby Kangaskhan her own thing?

Mega Kangaskhan kind of made the baby her own Mon by reversing the roles of who leads the tag team between the Mother and Daughter, since it's the baby who gets effected by the Kangaskhanite instead of the Mother, it even seems to age up the baby a little as well.

>ib4 "She" "Her"
Kangaskhans are all female, so obviously the babies are all female as well, since they grow up to become Adult Kangaskhans, they're obviously a Tribe of Fertility Worshiping Amazonian Kaijus.