>>53576194believe me, i'm not brain-washed or anything. i'm living my life to the fullest. i ain't nobody's puppet. but this is your opinion and you're entitled to it. just so you know, being trans doesn't necessarly mean that you proceeded a gender reassignement surgery. you don't have enough data and so you misjudge and curse everyone around you, and that's humanity's biggest disease.
>>53576245you know most people don't know what transgenderism is, let alone body dysphoria. but you're right. when someone is experiencing body dysphoria, they're not making a choice. they're experiencing a psychological distress about their identity and an urge that they simply don't belong in their body, that's why it's so important to be able to provide support and knowledge to people who are going through this. a trans person, that may or may not overcome this feeling, decides to embrace themselves to the fullest by expressing their gender identity, and there's nothing wrong with that. we should encourage them instead of shaming them because they've been through so much already and yet they are still standing, fighting for who they are, that's something most people on this website can't relate to (no shade).