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Do people really deny that Pokémon has gotten worse?

No.53592141 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Pokémon Crystal:
>251 Pokémon - all existing Pokémon available at the time of release
>20 towns and cities
>16 Gym Leaders
>Post-game consists of an entire region with new Pokémon trainers and Gym Leaders to discover
>Can rematch trainers and Elite Four
>Fully-fledged battle facility on their first attempt
>Less than 2 MB cartridge size

Pokémon Scarlet & Violet:
>400 Pokémon - 532 Pokémon missing from the game
>12 towns and cities
>8 Gym Leaders
>Post-game consists of hour-long story in a hallway dungeon
>Can't rematch any trainers or Elite Four
>Battle facility is just a few regular NPC battles with shitty pre-defined teams
>7 GB cartridge size

And if I really wanted to be evil, I'd have used HGSS instead of Crystal, but this makes the point even clearer.