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668KiB, 1091x1070, this is not a genwar post i don't even like gen 4.png
Quoted By: >>53596853 >>53597055 >>53597302 >>53597312 >>53597376 >>53597379 >>53597428 >>53598563 >>53600239 >>53600717 >>53604093 >>53605119
>LGPE - 15.07M Sales - 10th most sold switch game
>SwSh - 25.68M Sales (not counting DLC) - 5th most sold switch game
>BDSP - 14.92M Sales - 11th most sold switch game
>PLA - 14.63M Sales - 13th most sold switch game
>SV - 20.61M Sales (not counting inevitable DLC) - 7th most sold switch game
>all the toy sales
>all the anime sales
>all the spinoff game royalties (Go, Unite, Snap, etc)
2 Lazy as fuck remakes, one of which is worse than the Gen it's remaking. Completely broken and lazy as fuck Gen 8 and Gen 9 which are critically reviled for how little effort was put into them. Still using the same scummy 2 game with version exclusives model. And then these greedy cunts have the absolute GALL to make you pay a premium subscription fee to move your Pokemon between games, which you also are still timegated on which Pokemon you can even use because none of the games have the full Pokedex.
When are we going to make TPC and Gamefreak answer for their crimes? It should be illegal to have such a high grossing product and release absolute bottom of the barrel, low effort trash. If a company makes a certain amount of money, they should be required by law to put out a product that is premium. I'm tired of this shit. 2 nukes wasn't enough.
>SwSh - 25.68M Sales (not counting DLC) - 5th most sold switch game
>BDSP - 14.92M Sales - 11th most sold switch game
>PLA - 14.63M Sales - 13th most sold switch game
>SV - 20.61M Sales (not counting inevitable DLC) - 7th most sold switch game
>all the toy sales
>all the anime sales
>all the spinoff game royalties (Go, Unite, Snap, etc)
2 Lazy as fuck remakes, one of which is worse than the Gen it's remaking. Completely broken and lazy as fuck Gen 8 and Gen 9 which are critically reviled for how little effort was put into them. Still using the same scummy 2 game with version exclusives model. And then these greedy cunts have the absolute GALL to make you pay a premium subscription fee to move your Pokemon between games, which you also are still timegated on which Pokemon you can even use because none of the games have the full Pokedex.
When are we going to make TPC and Gamefreak answer for their crimes? It should be illegal to have such a high grossing product and release absolute bottom of the barrel, low effort trash. If a company makes a certain amount of money, they should be required by law to put out a product that is premium. I'm tired of this shit. 2 nukes wasn't enough.