>>535983081- the eyes are really cool.
2- while he isn’t a compfag mon, he is really fun to use.
His ability is great, and his move pool - especially once you give him some of his egg moves - is tailored really well for him. To copy paste from a thread I posted in before-
>And with gameplay, there's just a lot of neat stuff you can build on him - my favourite of which is that he's one of the few mons that can take really good advantage of Soak. >He gets hit, charging up his Electromorphosis, and then Soaks the enemy. Then you hit them with a 130 BP, super effective Parabolic Charge which heals any damage that he took in-between. >He can also Acid Spray people down to hit super hard, and has even more self-sustain with Slack Off. >You can run him in the rain with Muddy Water / Weather Ball and Thunder (Water Tera is great), he builts up even stronger attacks in Electric Terrain.>You can Charge Beam to stack attack-up with Electromorphosis, or you can t.wave so you hit with your boosted attack first.>And there's more coverage with stuff like Sucker Punch, Discharge, Volt Switch, and Chilling Water.And I guess 3- if you care about Iono, they did get that pretty solid set of teaser trailers between them.