>>53656777>shulong-x gets swift swim>when it has a clearly defensive stat spread (118/55/110/85/110/72)for what purpose
it has a good defensive typing, high bulk, and
wait for it
an ability intended for offensive weather sweepers. and you can't give it an item to make it a better sweeper because muh plot reasons
just why?
if I want a fast water type I'd just use the sharpedo-x the game gives you a while before getting xenoversal shlong
checked the other starter's xenoversal forms and they're somehow dumber
>Trishout-X>118/60/64/155/59/94>minmaxed stats in HP and special attack, without the defenses to actually get much use out of its high HP>not even 100 speed lmfao>huge power on a special attacker>Shyleon-X>118/54/73/108/73/124>custom ability that has no wiki page because fuck you, learn italian or sufferthe only stat that's actually good once you get to the point where most mons are fully evolved is speed