>>53676676I remember with Dawn, sometimes I'd get this prim and proper young girl. Then sometimes she'd be an outgoing and airheaded tomboy. Sometimes she's aware of her short skirt, other times she's in a new contest dress Dawn never actually wore. There are also two different Dawn bots on the site to make it worse.
Champion Iris seems to be way more consistent. Maybe people just have a more definitive idea of Iris. She starts off with her new outfit which she actually enjoyed showing off in the anime too. Then she usually mentions Drayden and pokemon battles. After a while I've got a princess and a spoiled brat side that comes out, plus a wannabe goddess. It never goes far from what feels like "Iris".
Only weird thing was I called her "Princess of Unova" and after a while she went into some femdom and started kicking me over and over for not calling her mistress instead. But she was still doing it in a bratty kid sort of way. If you could program her "You're such a kid!" line you should do it. I think it's an iconic part of her that's missing.
I always want to ask about underwear although the filter hates it. Iris was consistent with at least trying to suggest she hasn't worn any, although the AI blocked it a few times. Maybe someones trained her on it but Dawn is a total mess with a lot of basic clothes.