>>53734521>which are mostly [incel fanfic created to demand the kiddy brand cater to them as opposed to the child demographic they've historically sought]There is a reason why they haven't changed the core formula and have started adding flashy one'n'done gimmicks for the story playthrough anon. It's to not alienate the casual demographic of people who grew up playing the games, then moved onto adult fare, accepting the two can exist independently of each other. Sorry they don't give a fuck for manchildren wanting to be speshul again. But that's why they're the biggest brand on the planet, their merch alone is filled with kiddy-tier shite which far outstrips the revenue generated by all but GO, which just gets slightly less battered for income, given its revenues top a billion yearly.
And all GO is is Game Freak's Pokémon series in real life, down to Game Freak being involved in its creation from the outset to Masuda making the choons playing in the background. Looks like they've offered both options to adults - problem is people like you can't accept thats all that's on offer, because you're not worth a fuck financially investing or focusing on. There's going to be little to no return and will alienate the core audience. And without the core audience, there's no multi-billion merch sales, because each Gen's lines are heavily based off the upcoming games. it's amazing how fucking near-sighted you are to not understand the whole system is built and depends on Pokémon being a kiddy IP, just because you're mad at getting old.