Playing through Platinum on a mini-marathon of sorts of gens 3, 4, 5 (excluding RS and DP, of course). Team feels super generic, but my philosophy is that I've not used many of them in a long time, and won't be using them in the next games I play (HGSS, BW, B2W2). Open to any suggestions anyone has on possible alternative picks, but I am trying not to reuse pokemon in any playthrough (except for Gengar, which is my favourite
I'll use that twice but its been on my FRLG team and will go on my HGSS team, won't use it here)
Otherwise, most of these guys will make my final team, although Houndoom will probably be replaced by Weavile.
>>53752569Pretty cool. I like everything you have.
>>53754591Do you like Bees? Sableye is always cool to see too.
>>53760881Glad you kept Magnezone. Probably my favourite team ITT
>>53773153In a vacuum I'd say Steelix, but Scizor might be good if you don't want your team to be half weak to ground.
>>53774731How is that hack? Never played it but looks interesting. Nice team also, I like Crocs, Horsipede, and Led Zeplin as nicknames.