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Paldea GL Aces - missed opportunity

No.53757959 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Am I the only person seeing the fact that the 8 Gym Leader's Aces are not from the 8 Main Regions/Generations as a missed opportunity?

We were quite close Actually:
Katie - Teddiursa - Gen 2
Brassius - Sudowoodu - Gen 2
Iono - Mismagius - Gen 4
Kofu - Crabominable - Gen 7
Larry - Staraptor - Gen 4
Ryme - Toxtrocity - Gen 8
Tulip - Florges - Gen 6
Grusha - Altaria - Gen 3

So we have double for Gens 2&4 and we are missing Gens 1&5.

They Could've easily given Larry a Volcarona or Braviary (which he already Has in his rematch) and something like Jigglypuff, Drowse, Ditto, Eevee or Meowth to Katy and have the full cycle:)