I had filled this idea out a while back, and while this anon
>>53826248 is right on the money with the type changes for existing Pokémon (love the room btw), my tentative type chart would be something like:
Resisted by/weak to:
>Bug (infection)>Ice (cold)Resisted by:
>Grass (talking to plants is beneficial to them?)Weak to:
>Sound (making Soundproof useful)>Poison (sickness generally)SE:
>Sound (as above)>Fairy (fuck them lmao, but also because being noisy pisses off the fey)>Psychic (breaks concentration?)>Dark (as above, maybe?Resists:
Ground (vibrations and shit)
Water (sound carrying further, water soothes throat)
I'm bullshitting a lot of the reasons but I'm mainly trying to use it to balance things out a little, so I'm sure improvements could be made. The main negatives I've heard people say is that there would be no special Normal moves, or physical Sound moves, although some ideas for those that I have are:
Normal Special:
Power Beam (Signal Beam, 10% confuse or something)
Energy Release (Special Double Edge)
Light Beam (typical 90/100 attack, chance to lower accuracy)
Sound Physical:
Sound Slap (weak physical move for early levels)
Ringing Blows (2-5 hit move)
Bass Drop (80/100 body slamming move, chance to confuse or flinch maybe)
Just some minor examples, but it could definitely work