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Cancelled raids

No.53831816 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I spent hours of my weekend trying to get find one due to GameFreak not giving af
The fact GameFreak didn't even put an in-game announcement or update on the news tab to say the raids were cancelled has really pissed me off. I spent literally hours on the game trying everything I could think of to get the raids to appear. Constant refreshing of online raids, logging in and out of online and turning the game on and off over the course of multiple days.

I wouldn't even have considered the fact that the raids would be cancelled outright in the first place, but the fact the news tab in game literally was telling me that they were active right now is just such a disgusting lack of care.

I see everyone talking about how disgraceful the state of the game is with the raid issues and Pokémon home situation, and rightly so, but the fact that GF can't even put in the effort to update the in-game news tab to prevent players wasting their time just really shows how little they actually care about us imo.
