>>53846141that's where i disagree
pardon the autism but, counting megas, 34 pokemon have levitate as their only ability
Of those 34:
-1 has a 4x weakness to Ground (Heat Rotom)
-8 have a 2x weakness to Ground (Lunatone, Solrock, Base, Wash, & Ice Rotoms, Tynamo line)
-23 have 1x weakness to Ground (Notably: Flygon, Vikavolt, Mow Rotom)
-1 has Resistance to ground (Carnivine)
-7 have it for arguably thematic reasons (Misdrevaus & Tynamo lines, Solrock & Lunatone)
-6 have it for no reason (Vibrava, Flygon, Carnivine, Fan Rotom, Cryogonal, Hydreigon)
-3 lose access to abilities held by prior evolutions (Vibrava, Vikavolt, Hydreigon)
It's an ability with its place but the bulk of mons with it are actively hindered by it. Hyper Cutter Flygon and Battery Vikavolt might be nothing to write home about but its not like an ignorable Ground immunity is doing them any favors either. Also this