>>53893785I sincerely hate people who think like this. "Oh I peaked x years ago."
Nigger; you're peak hasn't even been reached yet, because you continue to climb further and further up the mountain we're all flung into called life, until you reach your ultimate peak which is knowing whether or not there's an afterlife or not. Not just theorizing, but actually knowing for a fact.
Every moment you continue to draw breath and every morning you wake up, you're a bigger and better you than the you from yesterday. Despite all of the astrominical odds that could and want to kill you on a daily basis, you refused to die, because you woke up.
You reach your peak every moment you open your eyes and laugh at death saying "Try again next time there champ"
The question is, if you don't believe in this mindset, what do you believe in? That your golden days are behind you? That you'll never achieve the level greatness you once had? If that's the case, get your nose out of the beer mug and focus on fixing your present so you can have a future where you look back at this present and say "Wow. that glowie agent guy on 4chan was right."
Or don't and continue to be a sad sack who wants to die. Up to you mate.