>>53881602The Bergmite/Avalugg one is a recent discovery. Their copypasted files in the SWSH prototype show the name “iceberg3” for Avalugg, indicating it as having been initially designed as a three stage line (this matches up with other internal codenames as seen in SV, the infamous Alola starter leak, Masuda’s comments on Mon codenames etc).
Jynx was from a list of Pokemon names that mysteriously got renewed for trademarks during the XY hype season. Notably, every single other mon on the list was discovered to have a mega upon release. Years later, a strange, distorted Jynx cry sounding like that of a mega evolution was found in one of the initial datamines of Pokemon Home. Around XY’s release I distinctly remember some autist who threw a fit when Mega Jynx turned out to not be real, since he was hoping for it specifically based on the trademarks.
Given how much of SWSH used XY/ORAS as a base for some reason (there were some other notes on an “ORAS” for the Switch) it shouldn’t be surprising that some Gen 6 cut files ended up in Gen 8.