>>53906538>AmpharosGood mon, but if you had Crystal you’re shit out of luck.
>SkarmoryDogshit for ingame. Levels up slowly, is too passive, and comes too late.
>DonphanSee above, unless you’re playing Crystal
>ScizorNot really great in gen 2. Gets nomoves and is locked behind a rare drop unless you’re willing to wait until after the league.
>CrobatGreat mon.
>LanturnGreat mon.
>Umbreon and EspeonUmbreon is dogshit for the main campaign but yeah Espeon is good.
>TyranitarYou’re not getting any mileage out of this unless you really really want to waste time grinding something for the one fight in the game you’ll be able to use it for (Red).
>AzumarillBad mon. Needs it’s broken ability and the phys/spec split to be usable, neither of which it had in gen2. Just use the Lapras or Gyarados you get around the same time.
>QuagsireGood mon.
>ForretressGood if you like playing the game at the rate of cancer. At least it never dies.
>WobuffetLegitimately fun. Wobbuffet is great.
>HeracrossUnironically better off getting any other fighting type in GS if you want to actually make use of that typing. Good luck with rock smash and dynamic punch.
>BlisseyPostgame mon.
>KingdraGood mon but why would you go out of your way to get this? Locked behind a rare drop and the aforementioned Gyarados and Lapras are better anyway.