>>53910458>Trick RoomYeah, just fucking sack an entire Pokemon to set up Trick Room and then have fucking Torkoal come in to check it. Assuming Specs with only 252/4 EVs in bulk, is OHKO’d by Sucker Punch + Stealth Rock anyways.
252+ Atk Choice Band Sword of Ruin Tera Dark Chien-Pao Sucker Punch vs. 248 HP / 4 Def Torkoal: 236-278 (68.8 - 81%) -- 50% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
It’s also still a Pokemon that already existed before Home in Gen 9, where Chien-Pao was banned.
Also also, if your plan is to sack something to set up Trick Room for Torkoal, why the fuck don’t you just use literally any other revenge killer, namely only not weak to Sucker Punch.