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Ursaluna Doubles OU Guide

No.53910875 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've been playing with a fair few teams on doubles the last week or so, and I think I have a decently good idea of how to use this thing effectively
1. Trick Room
Trick Room buffs Ursaluna pretty significantly, (shocking, I know). The best TR setters I've found are Cresselia with Light Clay, screens, and Helping hand, as well as Oranguru, (more on him in a moment). It's not a flawless approach, though, a lot of teams are running TR as well, and some teams are even running TR alongside Imprison just to stop people from using it.
2. Oranguru
Instruct. That's all you need to know, instruct. This essentially doubles your damage output on Ursaluna and in ideal conditions you can wipe out a team in under 3 turns. It's kind of amazing how well this works out, because people seem to get tunnel vision when they see the bear on the field and entirely ignore Oranguru. Other moves to throw on it are TR as mentioned previously, taunt to gimp things, and substitute to extend its lifespan. Telepathy is preferable to Inner Focus in general.
3. Sets
Facade, Guts, Flame Orb, and Tera Normal are a given. I prefer running EQ to bypass single protects and follow me/rage powder. Headlong Rush is an option but frankly 20% more damage isn't worth the defense drops. You'll be taking damage from burn every turn already and getting chipped. For a third attacking move, I prefer shadow claw. A lot of people try getting clever, and switch into a ghost mon to try and soak up facade, and this can punish them. Swords Dance is kind of necessary to overcome the occasionally intimidate or general attack drop. I've seen a lot of people run protect, but frankly I've not felt the urge to use it myself.
4. Getting things on the field.
You do not want to switch ursaluna in as a revenge killer. Flame orb doesn't proc until the end of the turn, so for one turn you can be fairly weak. I've found that Amoonguss is actually a good fake lead for switching it in.
5. Profit

Have fun.
t. 1500 ELO