what is there to discuss?
almost any shiny past gen 6 is worthless due to how ridiculously easy they made them to get (gen 6 had chain fishing, gen 7 had calling for help, gens 8 & 9 had much more plentiful spawns and mass outbreaks- and those are just the easiest methods of hunting, not all of them)
almost every shiny from before then has been hunted to death due to the most recent game from that era being nearly 13 years old
the only notable things about it at this point are the hunts made for true sadists like the 1% Wailord, Manaphy egg, Bonus Disk Jirachi, or Colosseum/XD hunts (especially for the legendaries)
and even those can only be discussed for so long
not to mention the fact that, due to the games going down the shitter and getting rid of all of their remaining postgame, shiny hunting has been left as the only thing to do in the game so a fuckload of normal people who don’t actually care about the hunt nor the prize (just going “oh cool” when they get the shiny and having a dopamine hit for a few seconds)
for the same reason, mark hunting is kind of a flop
who wants to play the new games in the first place- let alone to the amount that you would the old games for one of the harder hunts, just for a stupid title you’ll never use on a Pokémon in a game you’ll never play again?
There’s 0 reason to ever hunt it for a future game, too, seeing as HOME now wipes your Pokémon of every single identifier possible save for name and nickname when you put it in there. It won’t be the same Pokémon by gen 10, so what’s the point?
tl;dr: gen 6+ made things pretty pointless, especially later down the line, and everything from before then is too old to have any ‘wow’ factor from hunting due to basically everything having been done already
even the hardest shit imaginable can only keep up discussion for so long, and there really isn’t much you can say about shiny Pokémon in the end