>>53930339Lmfao. You can't even provide any examples.
Points of interest? Like the copy pasted Ubisoft towers that serve no purpose because the map is already fully unlocked from the get go? (I do think that style of open world progression is stupid, but it at least gives them a purpose). Like the towns and cities that have 5 unenterable houses and don't integrate themselves into the environment at all? Oh, you meant the copy pasted Pokécenters that once again, do nothing with the surrounding terrain and don't have any sidequests tied to them or anything? Or the copy pasted ruins that... do absolutely nothing. Perhaps you meant all the caves and dungeons like... like... umm. The map is literally nothing but environment outside of the cities and Ubisoft towers.
Areas of dense activity? Nigga, outside of the towns and cities there is absolutely NOTHING going on in the world. No little camps. No crowds of NPCs. No events going on. Did we even play the same game?
Smaller objectives? Now you're really reaching, shill. There's a total of zero sidequests in this game. None. Maybe only the legendary quartet hunt and Gimmighoul hunt counts, but there are zero NPCs that actually ask you to do anything.
Once again, I kindly ask you to play any other open world title made by a big developer so you can understand just how fucking retarded you sound trying to defend this pile of shit.