>>53957408It's partially the jews, but a complete cultural shift can't be attributed just to them. Whatever it is that makes white people click makes them far more tolerant of these things, and make perceived bigotry a no-no to them. Non-whites that vote blue are, broadly speaking, less tolerant than even most republican whites. This sounds absurd at its face, but looking at Muslim areas in the US recently protesting against Pride should tell you it's true. Non-whites only vote blue out of racial convenience.
That doesn't make them smarter or more conscious of anything, it just means they're less tolerant and that's why they come from violent countries.
Whites come from peaceful countries because white people are the most tolerant. "Asians" are hard to say because "Asian" isn't a perfect category at all, but they lean more towards trusting authority.
But TL;DR, white people are more compatible with the ideals LGBT espouses, jews are as well. Jews naturally advocate for it, whites eat it up (and join in). Whether you like this stuff or not, you can't say that the current state of things isn't also because of white people.