People just write off Cyrus as being generic and hating spirit for no reason, but I feel like he worked pretty well in contrast to other characters, mainly Cynthia. The main reason Cyrus hates spirit and emotions is because bad things like hatred come from them, but Cynthia believes that, because these bad things exist, the good things in life are given value. This is indicated by what she says after you fight Cyrus in the Distortion World; >Since there is sadness, we can feel joy. When there is anger, compassion is born. This is basically the yin-yang concept. Cyrus also believes this, but he sees it the other way around, as in "bad things are bad because good things are valued". I think this is a pretty interesting concept to explore, even for a pokemon. I'm pretty sure the original japanese text for the Sinnoh games did a better job explaining this, too.