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Comfortable truth

No.53959023 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This might sound crazy or /pol/ish but trust me it is not.

Pokemon didn't kill Pokemania. Not Gen 3. Not Gen 4. Not Gen 5. It was 9/11 and War on Terror that killed Pokemania.

Before 9/11, everything was fine. Everyone was happy. The Crash of 83' was finally being forgotten. Japanese game consoles took over the void left by Atari. People start playing console games again. And most of the games came from Japan. Japanmania started in late 90s. So the news outlets have nothing else to report other than "all the interesting shit Japan is doing right now". Pokemon just happen to be in that window. And they seized the moment brilliantly.

Then 9/11 happened. Suddenly everything turns gloomy. News outlets stopped caring about unimportant stuffs. Everything that matters at that time was Bush, Middle East, Taliban, Afghanistan, Saddam Hussein, Iraq, Iran, Islam. News outlets stopped reporting about Japan, video games, and Pokemon. Families were separated as people were sent to die in the Middle East. Kids no longer give a fuck about Pokemon. Some of the hardcore fans endured. But they alone can't do anything to stop Pokemania from dying. The gloom spread slowly from the US to the rest of the world because that's the only thing US is good at; if they feel pain, they will make sure the rest of the world feel the same.