>>53991486It’s doable, but it’s not easy. I’m not home now to take pics of mine, but here’s some general advice/warnings
>keep it small, 5x5 maximumYou don’t appreciate how much space each card takes up till you put them in a frame. You can google any number of examples of people who framed the original 151 and it’s absolutely enormous, which greatly limits where you can put it. I don’t know what you plan to frame, but two smaller frames is always better than one giant one
>don’t use high quality cardsAgain, I don’t know what you intend to frame, but anything that goes in there risks damage. Some of my framed cards appear to be high dollar, but they are actually backside damaged copies I got for cheap online.
>sleeve everything Even if it’s shit quality, the sleeves help you with centering, and if need be can have light adhesive used on them to keep cards in place
>don’t hang them near a high sun windowIt’s not immediately, but WotC era cards will get sun bleached. I don’t know if post WotC cards have better QC to prevent that
>be ready to spendFrames are retardedly expensive, dont expect a cheap project here