>be me playing ORAS, maybe 9 or 10 at the oldest
>obsessed with shiny collecting because I think the sparkles look really pretty, want to make a living dex
>decide to go about this by wonder trading hundreds of times a day after school and pocketing whatever I can scrounge up off of there while breeding my own shinies on the side
>eventually meet this one guy who offers to trade after our Wonder Trade, says he has a shiny Mew
>for context: Mew is my favorite Pokémon at the time- specifically its shiny because I thought pink looked stupid and blue looked better- and I knew it was hard to get (but too stupid to learn how to hack my 3DS and just gen it in myself) so it was my “dream” shiny, the ultimate goal at the end of the road
>enter trade, realize I have almost nothing to trade him because he won’t accept “fake” shinies (which he deems to be any shiny without a regional marker)
>the only shinies I can trade him are the authentic shinies that were caught in gen 6… most of which he says he already has (which I can believe since like 90% of them were very obviously from either Friend Safari or Chain Fishing)
>remember the Steven’s Metagross I got with the game
>remember how everyone on YouTube says Metagross’ shiny is the best one and how they claim most people would kill to get one
>think it over
>cringe at the thought, but eventually betray my YouTube mentors and decide that a shiny Mew is worth more than a Metagross
>offer it up
>dude accepts
>small girl is now bouncing off the walls with excitement